Its entertaining seeing how people load trucks, scooters and busses.They tie down loads how ever they want and cram people wherever they fit.
Even on the 33rd floor we could still hear the beeping of scooters!
We came across this epic scene.. Two men were knee deep in the ocean plucking small fish out of their fishing net. They would huck the live fish onto shore as the two little girls on shore would giggle and scream as hundreds of fish were thrown their way,nearly hitting hem in the head. The girls scurried around picking up the floppy fish and put them into their pails.
It's not uncommon for traffic jams when animals cross the road.. Dogs, cows, goats, chickens.
"Why'd the chicken cross the road" tempt fate! Unfortunately, one little chick wasn't so lucky.
"I thought we had a deal" - Seinfeld.
Fighting off geckos, ants, rats,coach roaches, spiders, frogs is nightly entertainment. (Tanner showed that HuGE gecko/lizardy thing who's boss!)
Is that a stray COW on the beach??
According to rule one, Ashton wasn't allowed to enter the temple...;) ha ha...
Kiddin.. I mean rule two! ;)
Construction at its finest. Is that scaffolding? With bamboo sticks .

Reeaalllyy??? Haha.. You know that your in a foreign country when there are directions on how to use a toilet. .. I challenge you all to try this at home. If you can squat on a toilet seat, then you are destined to live in Asia!
I knew when I married Ashton he came with a lot of baggage.. Just kiddin love. Thanks for carrying my bags
Who wore it best?
Coming soon to computers near you...... "Adventures in SRI LANKA"
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