hope all is well at home. Ashton and I remain healthy and happy. we are still smiling from our trip to Fraser Island!! it was epic!
8 of us hopped into a 4 x 4 for a three day, two night execution on the undeveloped, untouched Island of paradise. we loaded up the 4 trucks at Arlie beach then took a ferry over to Fraser Island.
we lucked out with quite possibly the best group ever... a sweet Irish couple, (in the back seats),Tia, a soft-spoken Finish gal. Matt, a well travelled, guitar playing English guy (middle) and Gerry, a smart, hard living Irish dude... as well as Garth.. "cookie monster of the group". Garth, was hilarious, goofy, smart, kind, and full of everything good. actually, our whole group was just awesome. we drove the island with them, cooked meals together, watched sunsets together, played hours of volleyball, and partied together at night. I'm pretty sure I have more wrinkles and abs from all of the smiling and laughing I did.
Lake Wabby was our favourite. After a nice drive on the "highway" of pure sand and ocean, we walked up a 30 minute trail through forest. The top of the climb opened up to heaven. It was incredible.. we overlooked a valley of sand. Pure white sand as far as the eye could see.
the sand was burning hot so we all ran down the sandy hill to the green clear water lake. Incredible!!
Along the way we spotted a 'dingo'. which look like underfed dogs. but don't be fooled. these animals live wild on the island and attack humans and wild life. we were warned to always travel in packs and be weary of these animals. never feed a dingo.(our campsite was fenced to keep dingos out). this dingo was spotted on the highway while we were safely in our truck.
.Maheno Shipwreck - washed ashore during a cyclone in 1935. It was once sold to Japan for spare parts, but a nasty storm brought it back to land where it remains. it once housed dolphins, sharks and fish, then it became target for military practice. and now it's an attraction full of history.
the first night was super fun. we played drinking games and chugged goon. (recall the boxed wine). followed by dancing at the wood shack, and a raving beach party. ohh fuun!
The next day we continued rocking out and singing along to tunes as we drove along the white sand highway, going 80 km and hour.
we chilled at Champagne Pools -bubbling ocean rock pools. they were refreshing and super neat. Matt had bought a ball and we played hours and hours of volleyball.
Indian Head was a gorgeous look out point. (yes, the pictures are a bit illuminated), but they appear pretty accurate to real life colours. stunning views. despite the depressing history of this cliff, we enjoyed the views and even saw the shadow of a shark and of a sting ray.
Eli Creek - a great spot for a refreshing dip! Float down this fast-flowing freshwater creek - which pours out 80 megalitres of water daily - to the seaside
our second night was kick started by watched the sunset together on Valentines Day! aw!
(I mean together, as in with our whole Fraser Island 'family')..an amazing aspect to Fraser Island is that there is No technology! which was super nice, as we entertained ourselves with music, volleyball, scenery, good food and excellent company.
the third day we encountered an area of high tide... but we trucked right on through. then we got off the sand highway and "off road-ed" through the forest and sand.
Final stop.. Lake McKenzie. with its white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters, picture perfect Lake McKenzie is even prettier than the postcards.
In all, it was a fabulous trip. As you can see we had a superb time.
thanks for reading. hope our pictures bring you warmth !!
we are trekking onward and upward- to Arlie Beach for our Whitsunday Excursion. currently relaxing and checking out the sights in Agnes waters and 1770 (where and when Captain Cook first discovered Australia)
here is a quote to leave you with ;)